When and why should I have my Wisdom Teeth removed?

Wisdom teeth can lead to problems if they erupt in wrong positions due to lack of space.

Your wisdom teeth may also be impacted, which means they are trapped in your jaw or under your gums. This makes them more difficult to clean, develops food traps and will lead to the following problems:

  • The gums covering the impacted wisdom teeth get infected, and become swollen. This is a painful condition called ‘pericoronitis’.
  • They cause decay on the second molar tooth in front.
  • Teeth in front become crowded.
  • They can develop into cysts causing damage to the neighbouring tooth.

The wisdom teeth removal procedure can be done by Specialists if it’s a complex case, to ensure a smooth process for patients.

How will the tooth be removed?

  • Our dentists will do a thorough clinical examination to determine if your wisdom tooth requires a surgery to remove.
  • An x-ray will also be taken to check the position of the wisdom tooth and its proximity to surround structures.
  • The surgery is usually performed under local anaesthesia. Intravenous sedation administered by a qualified anaesthetist can be arranged, if required.
  • After the wisdom tooth has been removed, the wound will be stitched together. Antibiotics and painkillers will be prescribed.

Surgical removal of Wisdom teeth can be claimed from your Medisave. Do consult one of our dentists to see if your wisdom tooth requires a surgery to be removed.

Before the treatment

  • Do inform the dentist if you have any medical condition or allergies.
  • Do arrange for a few days of medical leave.
  • Have a meal before the procedure.


The removal of impacted teeth is a minor surgical procedure. Post-operative care is very important. Unnecessary pain and complications of infection  and swelling can be minimized if these instructions are followed carefully.

Immediately following surgery:

  1. Bite firmly on the gauze pad placed over the surgical site. Keep it in placed for 1hour. After which the gauze pad can be removed and discarded. If bleeding persists, replace with a new gauze piece for a further 30 mins. By having firm pressure on the surgical site, blood clot can form which is important for wound healing.
  2. Mouth rinsing or touching the wound area following surgery should be avoided. This may initiate bleeding by causing the blood clot to dislodge.
  3. Take the prescribed pain medications when you change out the gauze. This will normally coincide with anesthetics wearing off.
  4. No smoking.
  5. Restrict your activities on the day of the surgery and resume normal activity when you feel comfortable.
  6. Ice packs can be placed on your cheek on the side where the surgery was performed to help reduce swelling.


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